Reality is defined by our bandwidth of perception. It is also co-created by sentiency at different levels of self awareness.
In June 2025, I will be hosting a lecture event for students. The topic for this event is The Nature of Reality.
In this article I will touch upon some of the topics we will be exploring in the June event, and if you want to attend that event, join the forum and get prepared and organized. This paragraph will be the extent of my June event announcement as it is open only to dedicated students.
Back to The Nature of Reality. I would like to unpack my first paragraph in this article a little bit so we can further explore it on our podcast, Driving To The Rez, as well as the Wisdom Keeper Hour and the Afterparty, which you can join for $8 a month.
Let me repeat that paragraph:
Reality is defined by our bandwidth of perception. It is also co-created by sentiency at different levels of self awareness.
Let’s begin with the bandwidth of perception.
During the WWMN Monthly QnA in March, the class was “Remote Viewing”, several of the questions that were asked had to do with figuring out the difference between actually seeing something remotely in one’s mind’s eye, to imagining or daydreaming something. The way I explain the difference is if you can say you are using your perception to perceive something external to you, then it is “viewing” something. But if you are not using perception skills and are creating something with your mind, then it is a daydream. A lot of the skill building for remote viewing has to do with telling the difference between something that is perceived and something that is imagined. Also, much importance is given to something called “analytical overlay”, which is basically a fancy way to say that we perceive something but give it meaning or explanations. In other words, something is perceived, but we often then go ahead and give the data some meaning. The meaning we give it, could be said to be our imagination trying to figure out what we saw.
Anything beyond our bandwidth of perception, in other words what we can see, hear, taste, smell, etc., cannot be singularly (by yourself) be proven to exist. We know, however, that physical reality exists beyond our senses because we have people in other places who are there and we know they are there. We also remember being in other places that are not here, in the past.
Our perceptions to the past or future are limited to our inner eyes, ears, etc.. We cannot go back to the past, or jump ahead into the future. We can only ever perceive the present. A lot of our inner power, whether mental, emotional, physical, or energetic, can be released if we move our perceptions to the present time and space.
As this is an article and not a lecture, let’s move onto the second sentence of the paragraph.
It is also co-created by sentiency at different levels of self-awareness.
There are three key aspects to this part of the nature of reality. One is there are co-creators in it, there is no “one” creator. And you are but one of gazillions of co-creators. However, you are the main co-creator of your own chosen experiences. Even then, though, you need the agreement and power of other co-creators around you to make things happen.
Let’s now look at “sentiency”. The wiki definition of sentiency is “Sentience is the ability to experience feelings and sensations. It may not necessarily imply higher cognitive functions such as awareness, reasoning, or complex thought processes.”
We could say that the ability to experience feelings and sensations is directly related to “perception”. Input goes in, and it is experienced as a feeling or sensation, which we, with our higher cognitive functions, give it a shape, meaning, reason and have complex thoughts around it. But other beings, just get the data and do other things with it.
At the end of the day, our reality is what we choose to experience. WE choose to experience. Not just what one person chooses to experience. This is what makes reality a co-creation. Outside the confines of the playing board of physical experience, we are limitless. To enter the board, and have a singular life of experiences here, we limit our perceptions and our omnipotent powers of creation.
OK, I hope you enjoyed this article and I am very much looking forward to your thoughts around it.
The discussion doesn’t stop here—listen to the full podcast episode for unfiltered insights from Inelia and our panelists.
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