I speak extensively on the mystical and energetic implications of land ownership in my class “Selling and Buying Real Estate”. In this article I want to concentrate on how the connection, or lack of, to the land the person is living on affects their ability or power to independently create their reality.
As I am limited to the word count of an article, this exploration will focus on the implications to people who are displaced from their place of power.
To begin with, I want to point out that the birthplace of the person is not necessarily the most resonant or powerful location for them to live at. Although sometimes it is. I also want to point out that a culture or religious affiliation to a particular strip of land does not always directly reflect on the power of the individuals within that land whether positively or negatively. There is no hard and fast rule about this at an individual level.
Last week I spoke about Lineages. One of those lineages, the Machi who are the wisdom keepers of the Mapuche tribes, are fully aware of the link between the power of the Machi and the land they live on. Their base and home. The belief is that if you move the Machi out of their land, they won’t survive six months and will die.
Throughout my life, I rarely stayed in one place longer than a couple of years. Until I was in my late 30s, the longest I had lived in a place was the house where I had been born, where I lived until I was seven and had constantly asked my parents “when are we moving?” In my late 30s and early 40s, I managed to stay in the same house for about 9 years. Since then, I have gone back to the pattern of moving constantly. Larry and I have lived in our latest home for two and a half years now and that’s the longest we have stayed in one place during the eleven years we have been together.
This is particularly interesting because in my 20s I learned that the longer I stayed in one location, and this was true for my sister also and other mystics, the more able and capable we were to affect the reality of that location. The more powerful we became.
The connection to power and influence increases not just the longer we live in a place, but also if we actually own the place we live at. One might say that I have been consciously limiting my power. But that is a different discussion which we will cover in our subscribers only Wisdom Seekers podcast at DrivingToTheRez.com
Most wars happen to conquer land or land resources. When a group of people are conquered, often the first thing that happens is a push to displace them. Either by removing them from the land and relocating them somewhere else, or simply killing them off. Individual mystic power accrued from owning the land becomes severed by the conquering new claimant. They claim the power as owners of it all. This is another topic worth exploring more in depth with the wisdom seekers since an expanded understanding of victim, aggressor, agreement and triggers precede a mature conversation on this hot topic. It’s apparent in our current world these conquering of and claiming of lands, along with the displacement and/or killing of millions is currently front and center around the planet.
The link between the land and its people is powerful. One might question why a people who have been on a piece of land for thousands of years are able to be conquered. And that is because of the agreement of the power over others' paradigm experience. The truncation of power is necessary to become a victim, and in this case, in a light dark reality, more powerful landholders can overwhelm less powerful landholders. Simply might makes right. It’s not frequent that a small land holding individual or group overwhelms a much larger one, although it's not unheard of, think of the Spartans! Agreements trump everything in our reality.
Incidentally, when the conquering people don’t displace the conquered by killing or moving them out, their hold of that land won’t last long. In this case we are talking about land management and social engineering plans that are hundreds of years in scope. Sometimes, thousands of years in the making.
I hope this article has given you food for thought. If you would like to continue the conversion, you know what to do.
The discussion doesn’t stop here—listen to the full podcast episode for unfiltered insights from Inelia and our panelists.
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