
[Free 1st Half] Is your reality correctly perceived?

Driving to the Rez - Episode 234 - Part One

Greetings, Wisdom Keeper!

Is your reality correctly perceived?

This question has two sides. We can become cognisant of those two sides by asking, “perceived by whom?

One of those sides, and the most common, is where you feel that others don’t interpret you correctly. An example of this side would be if you ever asked yourself, “why don’t people get me?” Or when you make a statement such as, “I just don’t get those people.” Some other examples are, “nobody understands me.” Or, “people just don’t get where I am coming from.” Or, “if you could walk a day in my shoes.”

The other side of this equation is less common but growing in popularity. This one is encompassed in the question, “am I interpreting my reality correctly?”

Both sides of this equation are fascinating.

It is commonplace for other people not to understand you or perceive the reality of your life correctly. We have not been given the tools or examples of how to do this.

The next question we could ask ourselves around this first topic, which would move us along, could then be, “how do I express myself in a way that others can understand me and perceive me correctly?” But although it does move us along, it can easily entrap us.

Here is the problem. Most people don’t care to understand you or see your true nature. Not really. Even if another person is super interested in your life and reality, it will eventually become obvious that they have their own personal reason, their own importances for that interest. And it doesn’t actually involve you or your reality.

It is a dynamic of, “what is in it for me?”

In the Love, Sex and Relationships Course, I give an exercise where the person sits in a public place, like a cafe, and as they see people they make a statement “that person is too…bla bla” then the answer comes, “for what?” And the answer illustrates our own agendas around connecting or not connecting with that person. It shows us many programs we may have running that limit our perception of the people around us. Programs that make up the reality we can see, and the reality we cannot see without breaking some barriers first.

It is one of the main links in the chain of the power-over-others paradigm to be what is commonly referred as self-absorbed. In the West, self-absorption, or being self-involved, is pushed into a growing child in every single way and in every single day. Why? You may ask.

Because otherwise, the child would naturally become sovereign and interpret the question the other way, “Am I perceiving my reality correctly?”

Once a person starts asking themselves that question, even if once a day, the power-over-others mechanizations start to crack wide open.

It is a first step, of course. “Am I perceiving my reality correctly?”

As we ask this question, our minds expand and we test what we are perceiving. Often, when this happens, the programs and beliefs that hold us in a reality of fear and stress stop influencing us.

The mechanisms to influence the masses and keep them locked up in their own self-absorbed state are easily crushed when we turn the tables on this simple question.

A step after that could be, “am I perceiving your reality correctly?” And after that, “are we perceiving our reality correctly?”

Play around with all of these questions. See what happens and come share it during our After Party on the subscriber page of DrivingToTheRez.com

I look forward to hearing what our Wisdom Keepers have to say about their experience around this situation in their lives.

The discussion doesn’t stop here—listen to the full podcast episode for unfiltered insights from Inelia and our panelists.

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