
[FREE 1st Half] How can the Light and Dark see each other? (continued)

Driving to the Rez - Episode 236 - Part One

This is a first in the fifteen year history of my newsletter! We did not manage to cover all the interesting points of last week’s newsletter on our podcast DrivingToTheRez.com, and therefore we are now going to unpack some points that we ran out of time for. Here goes:

  • The nature of darkness in duality
    Although we have covered this topic in the past, it is always a good idea to review it when we start talking about the light/dark experience. We did touch a little bit on this topic on last week’s podcast #235

    Darkness, and now we are talking real darkness and not theoretical stuff, is not natural to our planet or our species. It is not natural for us to want to hurt others, torture, and enslave them. Yes, sometimes we get upset and we lash back, but this is a reaction inside the light/dark paradigm and not a natural action.

    We are continuously taught that darkness is good for us and makes us stronger (in other words, being tortured, having a painful and oppressive experience of life, fear and terror helps us in some way), but the fact is that the nature of those experiences is meant to disable us. They do not empower us in any way or form. And they do not empower our planet or our species. When we set ourselves against another person or group, and go out of our way to hurt them, do we do it to make them stronger? No, we do not.

  • Earth in the "silent" part of the universe.

    In the article, I described a second recurring dream I had as an adult. This dream came in the precursor to the request from the high-frequency human collective and Gaia for me to go public. In that dream, or vision, I felt a silence, or void, in the Universe. When I got close, I saw that there was much suffering there. To me, this was a way to understand why so many light-beings come to Earth to bring light and high-frequencies here. It gave me perspective to the larger collective of existence outside of our planet.

  • Planets as planes of existence
    We did talk about this phenomenon a little bit during our Wisdom Keeper hour of the podcast last week. However, we can definitely see that the understanding we have of what a planet consists of, or even what the Universe really looks like, will bring us a long way to understand the games we are presently involved in.

    Many people might correlate a plane of existence to mean the flat Earth theory. However, this theory is as accurate to the true nature of Earth as the marble speeding through space theory. Or Earth as a ball theory.

    That is probably because"plane" originates from the Latin word "planus," meaning "level or flat." Although some etymologists will relate the word ‘planet” to a Greek word meaning “wanderer”, they cannot be sure of its origin.

    In my own observations, that I can barely translate into human language, it appears that what we think of as planets, stars, the cosmos, Universe, galaxies and such, are not marbles or fireballs travelling at gazillions of miles an hour through a vacuum called space. They are closer to what we might call a bundle of agreements in what to experience as physical beings. It is malleable and flexible. Like a lucid dream.

  • Cling-ons (in relation to the dark and how to let them go)

    We often think we live in isolation. That our experience is solely created by us, and there is no other input than what we experience ourselves. In a natural state, experience in our Universe, and our planet, does not contain entities that feed off fear, suffering, pain, horror, disgust, envy, greed, etc. When we invited that band of frequency into our lives here, we also had to create as well as invite entities that could hold that frequency and those parameters of existence. Without those co-creators, and the limitations of awareness we have placed on ourselves, we cannot naturally have those low-frequency experiences. What I call negative-cling-ons are indeed entities who cling on to ourselves and feed off those frequencies, plus help us co-create situations where we will feel those things. It is like a symbiotic relationship that allows all parties to succeed in their desires.

These are a few of the items we didn’t cover on our first podcast for the original article How Can the Light and Dark See Each Other?

Join us for the Wisdom Keeper hour to hear our panelists' experiences and further explorations around this topic.

The discussion doesn’t stop here—listen to the full podcast episode for unfiltered insights from Inelia and our panelists.

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