
[FREE 1st Half] How can the Light and Dark see each other?

Driving to the Rez - Episode 235 - Part One

On a recent comment on my Telegram Channel, one of my long term readers and supporters, Veronica Volkers, asked a question that not only is relevant to the podcast she was referring to, which is the one about the mystical mechanizations of the Vatican to keep human society in darkness but also relevant to all of my work for the past fifteen years.

Here is her question:

“I just listened to the Podcast and there is your telling ..they made us an offer and we agreed..

If we are on totally different frequencies how could they even know about us or make contact unless we gave them an opening / invitation.??”

She is referring to the fact that a dark being can’t see a light being, and vice versa. The light being can't see a dark being, so how could the dark beings make us an offer if they can't see us.?

I am super happy she asked this as we have not directly addressed this particular question since 2010 where I explained how this happened in an article called, The Nature of DARKNESS in Duality.

This is what I wrote in 2010.

As I was growing up, I had a recurring dream. In this dream there were two universes, one Light and one Dark. In the Light universe, everything was beautiful, happy and harmonious. In the Dark universe there was great suffering, slavery, pollution and more.

The “Creator” decided that these two universes could learn from one another. That, somehow, if they joined, their evolution would be tremendous. Or something in those lines, in my dream I simply felt it was a “good idea”.

There was no way to join these two universes because, due to their absolute nature, they could not see each other.

The “Creator” decided to make a being which was both Light and Dark. This being was a construct that had one purpose only, that of entering each universe and “infecting it” with the opposite “color”.

The being entered the Light Universe first. It was welcomed there with trust and love. But every one he/she touched, then became sick. Sickness was unknown and the beings began to die, suffer and question their existence. After a few thousand planets were infected, the being went to the Dark Universe. However, as now there was darkness in the Light universe, it had become visible to the Dark universe and Dark beings were already preparing an assault on the Light universe.

The being of “Light and Dark” entered the Dark universe and was met with distrust and quickly enslaved. However, everyone who came into contact with the being was infected with Light. These beings began to suffer from compassion, love and other unspeakable things. Soon, the being was helped to escape.

The beings in the Dark universe that were infected with Light, also had a deep understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the Light universe.

Meanwhile, in the Light universe, an attempt was made to “help” and “fix” those beings who now possessed Darkness. Planets throughout the Light universe began to help, but were instead infected. It was realized that these “infected” planets had to be quarantined and beings within them started experiencing the first sense of “disconnection” from source. Unlike the book “The Return of Light”, which states that it was the Dark beings who created a wall; in my dream it was the Light which made the barrier around the infected planets.

The Dark universe rulers, eager to expand their territory, began a complete assault on the Light Universe. Because the Light Universe had separated the infected galaxies off from the rest, the forces of Darkness were only able to have access to infected planets in those sectors, and not the rest of that Light universe.

This is where my childhood dream ends.

As an adult, I had another dream. In this dream I was a being so large and powerful that I could travel through Universes, and my interest was the exploration of those Universes. As I traveled through a beautiful Light universe, which is like swimming through a symphony of song and color, suddenly there is a big cry, like trillions of souls crying at the same time, then, as my attention tries to locate those cries… silence.

There was a section of the universe which was completely and utterly silent. This silence was so intense it was like a dull ache in the fabric of reality.

Myself, and many other beings, curious as to what had happened, travel to that place. We see, behind a wall, whirls of pain, suffering and destruction.

We watch, unable to do anything, unable to understand what is happening.

More beings gather, and there is a call for help. Many volunteer, and the work to first understand, and then reclaim that sector begins.

If the information I have since gathered is correct, then it appears that this planet, Earth, belongs to a Light universe.

It explains many things.

On our DrivingToTheRez.com podcast, I want to explore what this vision represents and expand on some of the topics that have come up for the past fifteen years:

  • Who is the “creator” mentioned in the vision?
    I used quotes on the word “creator” because it felt to me to be a very loaded word. Plus, although accurate, it is not the meaning usually given to the word, which is “God”. An external singular being who is in charge of our creation and the experiences we have in life.

  • Who is witnessing the “creator” do these things?
    Only one person in all these years picked up on this little detail. Who was it that was watching the “creator” come up with this fabulous idea? And why did they agree to it?

  • What do these planets look like?
    This topic is one I have been touching upon for the past few years. The true nature of reality, planets, stars, and the Universe.

  • Who was the person who had both light and dark, and are they still alive?
    In my dream, my viewpoint changed from one character to another during the dream. Which was a recurring dream, by the way, I had the same exact dream hundreds of times. As this dream was meant for me to remember, I can say that each of the characters might represent billions of people.

  • Is this vision accurate or a symbolic rendition of what happened?
    In my opinion, all dreams are symbolic and their interpretation is directly related to the person having them. It is, therefore, impossible for another person to interpret a dream. Recurring dreams, to me, are a language of the human collective and they bring something that the individual, or in the case of oracle type people, the human collective physical experience needs to know.

  • How do we separate these two worlds after they are infected with each other and can see each other?

    This one is an interesting question for me as my entire body of work is dedicated to it. As the experiences are related to frequencies, then so the answer is to shift our spectrum of experience back to one that is natural for us, dropping all the other frequencies and also the limitations that locked those lower frequencies in place.

It is very exciting to me to explore this topic again. Thank you Veronica!

P.S. We explored the original article from 2010, where this quote is taken from, on our DTTR episode #175 The Nature of Darkness.

The discussion doesn’t stop here—listen to the full podcast episode for unfiltered insights from Inelia and our panelists.

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